Economic Survey 2018-19 full text
DH Web Desk
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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur (R) and Chief Economic Adviser Krishnamurthy Subramanian. (PTI Photo)
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur (R) and Chief Economic Adviser Krishnamurthy Subramanian. (PTI Photo)

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the 2018-2019 Economic Survey, authored by Chief Economic Advisor K V Subramanian, in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha ahead of the 2019 Union Budget. Check here for the full text of Economic Survey 2018-19.

Volume 1 -

Volume 2 -

(Published 04 July 2019, 12:43 IST)