Creativity: cultivated or inherent?
Vijay Prakash Srivastava
Last Updated IST

Human creativity has been the driving force behind all the inventions and progress in the world. It is indeed difficult to imagine how the world would have been if human beings were not endowed with the trait of creativity. Creativity signifies newness that is, new ways of looking at things and doing them.

Many people have the impression that the creative streak is not everyone’s forte. They think either one is creative or not creative. Such a mindset leads to the belief that painters, artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and other such people are the only examples of creative persons. Of course, artists and musicians etc., are perfect examples of creative people but it doesn’t mean that other people don’t possess creativity. Psychologists and behavioural scientists are of the firm opinion that the trait of creativity can be found in every human being on this earth. Like any other skill, some people may be more creative than others. It also matters how far one is prepared to unleash her or his creative potential.

So, the element of creativity is within all of us. The need is to recognise it and use it wherever it can make a meaningful and positive contribution.


It is true that everyone cannot be creative in equal measure. Some people will be more creative, some less and a few will never think of being creative. Creativity is also related to motivation. If somebody has the motivation to become creative the following strategies may be of help:

Focus on solutions

Don’t get obsessed with a problem. This strategy will improve your focus and help you think about solutions. One should also remember the observation made by the famous philosopher and scientist Albert Einstein: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” So, in certain situations, it is important to see beyond the obvious.

Creative ideas come from your brain. By making your brain more active, you’ll enhance your chances of being creative. Our routine and regular activities condition our brain to a larger extent and unless something new comes up the brain works in a subtle manner.

To come out of this conditioning, the brain has to work more. If you’re right-handed, sometimes try to do some of your work with left hand and vice-versa. Such activities will require your brain to work more and this way its capacity to think of creative ideas will increase.

Exploring options

We find a way to do some work or reach some destination. Won’t it be better to explore some new ways of doing things or find a different route to reach the same destination? Only through exploration, we can find something better. We should always be open to ideas and it is always worth to discuss and share with people. This helps us understand their perspective and in the process, helps widen our perspective of a subject.

Think & reflect

Creativity requires time and space. At work, we’re getting busier than ever leaving us lesser time which we can call free. The work-life balance is gradually tilting in favour of the work. We need to devote some time to creative thinking and exploration to make life meaningful for us and others.

Positive thinking

Negative thinking harms us in many ways. It brings us disappointment. We keep harping on what bad has happened to us and in some cases our perceived helplessness. By being a positive thinker, we leave bad happenings behind, take control of situations and move forward. Such thinking leads to hopes and possibilities which is the foundation of creative thinking.

By being constructively creative we can be more useful for the organisation, society and the world. Is that not reason enough to be more creative by increasing your creativity quotient?

(Published 15 November 2018, 00:23 IST)