Follow your passion when choosing a career
Dr Narendra Shyamsukha
Last Updated IST
When you bag the position of your dreams, you have to do justice to it.
When you bag the position of your dreams, you have to do justice to it.

Happiness is not just a social construct but also a tryst that we chase, throughout our life. What could bring bigger joy to our existence than a fulfilling job that we engage in? Unfortunately, most of the present generation is trapped in jobs that they don’t enjoy — impacting the economic as well as social scenario.

The lacklustre performance amongst the current working class is leading to greater lay-offs and more firing than hiring, creating inflation in the economy. Here, it is more than just monetary gains that are at stake — we are turning out to be a veritable army of robots, failing to add passion to our work.

Choosing the right career path is integral, as it leads to greater chances of success and fulfilment. The following aspects are crucial to understand your calling.


Enhanced concentration

There’s no denying the fact that your perception and attitude towards work decides your level of concentration. When you bag the position of your dreams, you have to do justice to it. The chances of making mistakes would steadily decrease as you would pay closer attention.

Passion and willingness

Work done with passion and love more often than not leads to greater results. We can see that a majority of people in the world have been driven by passion. With a passion for work comes hope and the willingness to achieve.

Your motivation to achieve remains intact and in fact, it leads to the betterment of you and the business.

Evaluation of your skills

A listless job doesn’t help improve your skill set as it constantly bogs you down, decreasing your productivity. So, you need to have a job that reinforces your hunger, while helping you develop your skill set and acumen. With your passion being turned into occupation, you have a better chance at evaluating your skills and figuring out new ways to improve.

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the important factors that people are less acquainted with. With job dissatisfaction decreases the onus to create an impact and grow, hampering work-life balance. When you like your work, you shall see a difference in your approach. Skill development is a continuous process and passion is key to nurturing an individual from a novice to an expert.

Scope for growth

The more you stifle yourself in the wrong fit, the more you’re miserable, thereby decreasing productivity significantly. But if you are passionate about your work, you look forward to completing the tasks which in turn helps the organisation grow. The joy of working on something that is close to your heart remains unmatched as you take pride in creating newer opportunities. It will provide you new avenues to grow as well.


Have you ever seen excellence being achieved through dissent and dissatisfaction? This is what every organisation requires. There is no space for half-hearted attempts anywhere. Vocational training and constant skilling come of great use, as they help you improve upon your skills and unlock newer potentials.

(The writer is with ICA Edu Skills)

(Published 12 December 2019, 06:00 IST)