Talk to someone if you are depressedAsk Your Counsellor
Maullika Sharma
Last Updated IST

Dear Madam,

I am a Class 10 student and not able to focus on my studies because of the current uncertainty. Parents keep reminding me how important this exam is making me more scared. I am depressed.



Dear Raghu,

We are indeed living through difficult times, and probably when you sent in your letter, the 10th Board exams had not yet been cancelled. But most of them have now been cancelled and I presume that applies to yours as well. Maybe that comes as a relief to you, and maybe it does not, given that the environment of uncertainty, struggle, anxiety and fear still prevails. Remember that you are not the only one feeling this way.

Most of humanity at this current time is burdened with feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, scared and depressed – to name just a few of the common feelings. At a time like this for you to expect that you will be able to concentrate and focus as though nothing has happened is unrealistic. And that is also probably something your parents need to understand. Maybe you can show this letter to them. You must talk about it to someone. If there is a trusted adult who will help, reach out to them. Or better still if you can access the support of a counsellor reach out for help. And remember, the 10th Board exams, even if yours are still going to happen, do not define your life for all times to come (unlike what the adults in our life like to tell us). They are a mere steppingstone on life’s journey. Put in your best effort and do not worry about outcome. Focus on your learning, and not on marks. Remember, this time that has been brought upon us, is an opportunity for us to learn valuable life lessons.

Dear Madam,

I am a 12th standard student. I do not like Mathematics, but it is a compulsory subject and I need to study it. I focus more on maths but do not enjoy and so, fail to get good marks. How can I improve in a subject which does not interest me?

Ananya K

Dear Ananya,

I am wondering why you say you need to study it? How do you think it will impact your life if you study it? What is the “need” and is there anything you can do to turn that into a “want”. I “want” to study it because … Try answering that question to discover your motivation to do it. How is it going to help you. Sometimes when you discover the motivation by connecting to the larger purpose of studying it, it seems less of a chore. Also, it is not that some people are born with the ability to do maths, and others are not. If you believe that, then you somehow convince yourself that you can’t do it and that makes it even harder to crack to problems. While you may not fully understand it yet, you can always learn to understand it if you apply yourself with that mindset – I don’t know it YET, but I can know it if I try. Sometimes we are so focussed on getting the marks, that we fail to focus on learning and understanding.

(Published 03 August 2021, 18:11 IST)