Mohammed Uzair, 11
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Friendship is one of the most important things
in life, makes one strive.
One cannot live alone for it makes us forlorn.
If one is always flanked by friends
Help never comes to an end.
Friendship is not far than a relationship,
For it ambles all throughout life.
Friendship also helps people excel
For the best of friends lend a hand to help.
Friendship is indispensable, responsible for happiness
and makes people elated.
Friends help you soar high without a sigh.
They help you find your flair for they never mind a stare.
Devika Roshan, 12
Mysuru, Karnataka
Friendship is where we live in unity
Making many a dreams a possibility.
There is no room for animosity,
There is only bonhomie cordiality.
Its true essence is loyalty,
Which comes with reliability.
In friendship, there is only clarity,
No room for any ambiguity.
In friendship, there is no disparity,
It thrives on universal equality.
True virtue of friendship is charity,
It is to be handled with great responsibility.
Niharika Sarah Navada, 11
Bengaluru, Karnataka
A human has tons of qualities,
But there is one very special quality,
The quality that brings people together.
Having friends relieves your mind from
everyday worries,
Friends make you forget all your problems,
They take you to a world full of magic.
You can be friends with anyone,
But true friend will always stay by your side,
Through challenges, obstacles and even
through failure.
The kind look on their face and their gentle voice always
fills a heart with joy,
They give you a gift that no one else can give,
And that special gift is friendship.
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