Transform through yogaAkshar suggests some simple yoga asanas to practice indoors to help release stress and be more flexible
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Yoga is a simple yet wonderfully effective way to achieve well being. This ancient practice of yoga is a holistic science which uses your own body weight and breath for the wellness of the mind-body and soul. If you have not yet started on your yoga journey, do not wait any longer. Here are some of the many benefits of yoga and how you can begin your practice right in the comfort of your home.

Advantages of indoor practice

All you need to start your yoga practice is a yoga mat. If required you can also use props like scarves for any binds and books for elevation. Yoga does not require any expensive equipment. Yoga can be done anywhere and it has the power to bring about positive transformation in your life. No matter what the weather is outside you can practice yoga in the safety and comfort of your own home. Even a small space can be cleared out to fit your yoga mat and you can start off your practise whether it is yoga asanas, meditation, or pranayama techniques. Here are some yoga asanas that you can practice at home.


Vajrasana or thunderbolt pose

Kneel down on your mat. Rest your pelvis on your heels.

Keep your heels slightly apart from each other. Place your palms on your thighs. Straighten your back and look forward.

Vrikshasana or tree pose

Stand tall.

Place one foot on the opposite inner thigh, either above or below the knee.

Bring your hands to prayer position in front of your chest, and stay for five to eight breaths. This builds leg and abdominal strength and also works on hip mobility.

Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend

Begin in a sitting position keeping your legs stretched.

Allow your knees to be slightly bent if needed.

Lift your arms up as you inhale and keep your back upright. Exhale and reach down forward. Hold your toes, heels, or ankles. Hold the posture for 10 seconds.

Savithri asana

With your knees placed down gently, keep your upper body straight.

Inhale deeply and stretch both your arms up.

Look forward and hold breathing normally.

Utkatasana or chair pose

Start in Samasthithi.

Bend your knees and shift your weight on your heels. Inhale and lift both arms up. Look up at your palms.

Padhasthasana or hand to foot pose

Start in Samasthithi.

Exhale and fold forward.

Bend from the hip and try to bring your belly close to your thighs. Reach down with your palms or fingertips. Place them beside your feet.

Santolansana or plank pose

Start in a tabletop pose or Marjariasana or jump back from Padahasthasana. Straighten your knees.

Maintain alignment of palms under shoulders and knees under hips.

Keep both arms straight. Engage your abdominal muscles. You can conclude your practice with Siddho Hum Kriya and a simple meditation called Swaas Dhyan. This is a meditation technique where you are focused on your breathing.

(The author is a lifestyle coach & Yoga-preneur.)

(Published 29 May 2022, 00:27 IST)