Yoga for lowering creatinine levelsHigh creatinine levels usually indicate that the kidneys are not functioning normally. Akshar tells us how to lower the levels through diet and yoga
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High creatinine levels may be indicative of several underlying health conditions that require medical treatment. Creatinine is a waste product of the muscles. The main way in which the body eliminates creatinine from the blood is by filtering it through the kidneys and then flushing it out in the urine. The greater someone’s muscle mass, the higher their creatinine levels. Because of this reason, men tend to have higher creatinine levels than women.

Causes of high creatinine levels

High creatinine levels usually indicate that the kidneys are not functioning normally. Some of the causes for this dysfunction include:


A kidney infection

Glomerulonephritis, which is inflammation of the kidney structures that filter the blood

Kidney stones

Kidney failure


Consuming large amounts of protein — either through food sources or nutritional supplements.

Healthy creatinine

The creatinine clearance can be measured in two ways. It can be calculated (estimated) by a formula using serum (blood) creatinine level, patient’s weight, and age. The formula is 140 minus the patient’s age in years times their weight in kilograms (times 0.85 for women), divided by 72 times the serum creatinine level in mg/dL.

Yoga therapy

Practice the following yoga asanas as a sequence, performing each pose with an awareness of your breath. Hold for 10-20 seconds each and repeat up to three times. along with these poses, you can also practice pranayama techniques such as Anulom Vilom, and Kapal Bhati.

Manduka Asana or frog pose

Sit in Vajrasana, extend your arms in front of you. Fold your thumbs into your palms, wrap the remaining four fingers over it and ball your fist.

Bend your arms at your elbows; place your balled fists over your navel.

Bend your upper body and place it over your lower body.

Stretch your neck and focus your gaze forward.


Begin in Dandasana stretching your legs out.

You can keep your knees slightly bent. Reach your arms up and keep your spine straight.

Exhale as you bend forward from the hip.

Hold your big toes with your fingers.

Hold the asana for a while.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Start on your fours, ensuring palms are under the shoulders and knees below hips.

Lift the hips up, straighten the knees and elbows, and form an inverted ‘V’ shape.

Now keep the hands shoulder-width apart with fingers pointed ahead.

Put pressure on your palms and open your shoulder blades.

Try to push your heels to the floor.

Keep your eye focused on your big toes.

Hold for eight to ten breaths.

Diet to lower creatinine

Reduce protein intake: Eating cooked red meat may increase levels of creatinine. Consume less red meat and fish products to reduce high creatinine levels. You should also try including more vegetable protein, such as beans, in your diet.

Increase intake of dietary fibre: You can get a range of health benefits from eating dietary fibre. Many plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains, contain fibre.

Avoid dehydration: Drinking water is the best way to prevent dehydration. Creatinine levels can increase if and when a person is dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. By practising yoga, pranayama and making adjustments to your diet, you can better manage your creatinine levels.

(The author is a lifestyle coach & Yoga-preneur.)