The Government Primary Schools at Garagadahalli and Gollarahatti in Ajjampura, that are already into the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, have also initiated measures to harvest rainwater.
They have constructed tanks to store the rainwater in order to stop it from getting wasted.
The schoolchildren along with their teachers have taken up cultivation of okra, radish, beans, tomato, green peas, groundnut, Pigeon pea, chilly and so on. The waste water from washing vessels and hand washing are supplied to these plants in the schools.
The cultivated vegetables are used in the preparation of mid-day meal at the schools. The kitchen garden initiative has also helped the schools to create awareness among the schoolchildren about cultivation of vegetables and fruits.
During the free period, the children lend their hand in clearing the weeds in the kitchen garden in addition to watering plants and also in putting manure to the plants.
"Every child loves to work in the kitchen garden," said Teacher Siddaramappa.
Through kitchen garden, the tiny tots identify the vegetables that they are cultivating. They also learn the botany lessons at ease, said Teacher Prakash of Government Primary School at Arabala Gollarahatti.
Yuvaraj, a Class III student, said, "I love nurturing plants. The vegetables are also good for health. I love watering the plants."
Ajjampura Chinthana Foundation's Channappa said, "We have envisaged to develop gardens in schools. In addition to vegetables and medicinal plants, coconut trees will also be planted."