Man held for punching cops in a drunken stupor
H M Chaithanya Swamy
Last Updated IST
Representative image: iStock Photo
Representative image: iStock Photo

A man was arrested after he allegedly punched two policemen in the face and broke the glass of a Hoysala patrol car in a drunken stupor in southern Bengaluru.

Poornachandra Kashyappa R, 34, a resident of AGS Layout in Uttarahalli, got drunk at Shakti Bar and Restaurant, Uttarahalli Main Road, on Saturday night, walked out of the tavern and started causing a ruckus. He targeted local residents as well as commuters passing by the bar. Around 10.30 pm, one of the commuters complained to the two head constables patrolling the streets, Ramesh B R and Gangadhar Murthy.

When the cops arrived at the scene and asked Kashyappa what was wrong with him, he is said to have abused them, too. Things soon got out of hand and Kashyappa allegedly punched the policemen in the face, besides hitting the glass of the patrol car.


Bystanders beat Kashyappa black and blue before cops took him to the Jayanagar government hospital.

(Published 25 August 2020, 00:57 IST)