Why should you do a sugar detox?Experts believe a sugar detox may help you reset your dietary health
Asra Mavad
Last Updated IST

If you’ve been following the latest wellness trends, you would have most likely come across various forms of diet detoxes. Be it juicing or fasting, detoxes have gained popularity globally, despite being condemned by experts.

Whether you’ve considered adopting a type of detox in an effort to lose weight or improve your well-being, you should be aware that cutting out foods drastically is not as effective as a long-term lifestyle approach compared to healthy eating.

In fact, strict detoxing can cause issues including fatigue, dizziness and low blood sugar.


There is one kind of sustainable detox that is worthwhile, according to some experts. It is the sugar detox. Reducing sugar in your diet can help you drop pounds, improve your health and even give you more radiant skin. “Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that lacks any nutrients. It’s basically empty calories, harming your body,” says Rajshree Sharma, chief clinical nutritionist.

Sugar consumption has been related to a long list of diseases and is known to be highly addictive. “Sugar releases opioids and dopamine in the body. As a result, the reward system shoots up and increases repeated cravings for sugar. It is best to avoid it as it has no major benefits,” says Silky Mahajan, founder and nutrition expert, Foods and Nutrition Clinic.

Even if you’re not addicted to sugar, experts often recommend cutting sugar from your diet and doing sugar detox periodically to maintain a healthier lifestyle. By eliminating sugar from your diet, you can lose weight in a healthy way, feel better, and have a more radiant appearance, experts say.

What is a sugar detox?

It involves cutting added sugar in all forms - from your diet completely for a specific period of time. It usually lasts for a period of seven days or twenty-one days and helps you bring your sugar consumption into moderation.

“This is one of the most common diets I prescribe my clients. I ask them to cut down sugar completely from their diet for an entire week, during this period no added sugar or sugar alternatives are allowed. Once the week is complete, my clients often come to me raving about all the changes they notice and continue the detox for a longer period willingly and soon it becomes a part of their lifestyle,” says Rajshree.

Eliminating all forms of sugar from your diet is not recommended. “There is a misconception that a sugar detox involves giving up all forms of sugars. That’s false and also an unhealthy practice. Focus on eliminating only processed white sugar. Consumption of unprocessed and natural sugars in moderation is completely fine,” says Sushma Jaiswal, founder, Swasthya Nutrition. She believes a complete vegetable diet is a good alternative for a sugar detox.

Benefits of cutting back sugar

Lasting energy

Added sugars are simple carbohydrates. This means they’re digested fast and enter your bloodstream quickly, providing that familiar rush. But once that shot of sugar is metabolised, you’re in for a crash. Instead, when you eat foods high in protein and healthy fat instead, such as a handful of almonds, they’ll supply you with a steadier stream of energy that lasts longer.

Reduces abdominal fat

It is well known that sugar can easily add to your weight, especially in the tummy area. But what you may not realise are the potential risks associated with abdominal fat. Sugary fare spikes your blood sugar, triggering a flood of insulin through your body, which over time encourages fat to accumulate around your middle. Known as visceral fat, these fat cells deep in the abdomen are the riskiest kind because they generate chemical troublemakers that travel to your organs and blood vessels, where they bring on inflammation that can contribute to conditions like heart disease and cancer. So, when you cut back on pop and desserts, you’ll start reducing belly fat and the dangerous conditions that come with it.

Radiant skin

The sugar in your diet affects the amount of sugar in your bloodstream. Studies suggest that high blood sugar levels set up a molecular domino effect called glycation, a process that can hinder the repair of your skin’s collagen, the protein that keeps it looking plump. A diet full of treats can also lead to reduced elasticity and premature wrinkles. Thankfully, research suggests that slashing your sugar intake can help lessen sagging and other visible signs of aging.

Tips to reduce sugar intake

Quit soda and drink more water.

Make a habit of reading food labels.

Consume healthy fats like avocado and ghee to your diet.

Replace desserts with fresh fruits.

Eat more complex carbs such as sweet
potato and squash.

Load your meals with protein and fibre.

Avoid artificial sweeteners.

(Published 23 April 2021, 23:50 IST)