Can Vitamin D shield against cancer?Vitamin D is manufactured with the help of sunlight and helps in the battle against cancer, says Satkam Divya
Satkam Divya
Last Updated IST

In general, Vitamin D is known to be the nutrient for stronger bones and teeth. Vitamin D is manufactured with the help of sunlight only. Suryanamaskar is an Indian ritual followed by many for thousands of years, which ensures that one receives Vitamin D everyday.

The surprising truth regarding the vitamin is that it also fights against cancer cells.

Interesting facts about Vitamin D


Vitamin D is a nutrient with hormonal action. It is divided into Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3, based on the sources. Vitamin D2 is acquired from Vitamin D-rich food, while Vitamin D3 is produced when the sun’s rays hit the skin. Both vitamin forms travel in the bloodstream and reach the liver. Vitamin D is reformed into a hormone called Hydroxyvitamin D in the liver. It then reaches the kidneys, where it is again transformed into 1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D, which is called calcitriol. Calcitriol helps in storing calcium in bones. Vitamin D boosts the defence mechanism of the body and reduces inflammation. Fat-rich fish like tuna and salmon, eggs, cheese, and milk products are rich in it.

Studies show that vitamin D acts against cancer

A Japanese study states that exposure to sunlight or Vitamin D dietary supplement lessens the chances of liver cancer. Another study in the US states that people exposed to sunlight for a long duration have fewer chances of getting colon cancer than those exposed to sun’s rays for short durations. Various studies on public health state that the incidence of cancer and death ratio is less in people exposed to sunlight. Few experimental research on Vitamin D reveals the strong relation between carcinoma and Vitamin D. One experiment on rats shows that normal Vitamin D levels in the blood reduces the chances of developing cancer cells, shrinks the tumour and decreases the cell growth in cancer.

Indications of Vitamin D insufficiency

Frequent episodes of sickness, tiredness, joint pain, back pain, slower wound healing, loss of hair and muscle pain are the warning signals of Vitamin D deficiency.

Factors that cause vitamin D insufficiency

Ageing: It can be difficult for the elderly to spend time outdoors. Also, ageing skin loses its efficiency to manufacture vitamin D when days go by. Aged people are advised to take Vitamin D as recommended.

Obesity: A person with a high BMI has chances of a Vitamin D deficit. Increased fat distribution all over the body reduces the flow of Vitamin D which can lead to shortage.

Pregnant and breastfeeding: Unexpected pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, and recurrent pregnancy can lead to a shortage. During gestation period, foetus demands increased calcium. Vitamin D insufficiency can lead to a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy.

Limited exposure to sunlight: Less exposure to sunlight and increased usage of sunscreen may cause Vitamin D deficit.

(The author is CEO, KlinicApp)

(Published 10 March 2020, 01:00 IST)