A Presidential CandidateRIGHT IN THE MIDDLE
Kutty Narayan
Last Updated IST

I recently saw politician Mayawati of BSP declaring that she has not been invited to be the next President of India and that, in any case, she is not interested in such a proposal. I can see her point as I am in the same position. I have not been made an offer and, in any case, I may not accept if it did come.

I expect I shall enjoy being the Rashtrapathi. The Rashtrapathi Bhavan looks comfortable. I know from previous visits there to meet friends on the President’s staff that life there is more than comfortable. I love food and it is multi-cuisine in the Bhavan kitchen. I love ceremonial and uniforms of which there is plenty. I would have a special pleasure as in my distant years in uniform I was the lowest form of uniformed life. I have always wanted to have senior officers salute me for a change. The Military Secretary and even my ADC would be my seniors in rank and my old dream would come true. Of course, I have to be careful I do not instinctively start “sirring” them. That would be embarrassing for both sides.

It is the work part of the President that worries me. I have to sign my agreement on decisions taken by others and at the beginning of every budget session I have to read the policy of ”my” government to decide which I have had no part to play. After that, the Opposition parties are obliged to attack the President’s Address. This would really hurt my feelings as I was never responsible for its content – grossly unfair!


Opposition parties would wish to meet me to complain about the injustices in the governance by the ruling party. I know I can do little about it but I have to be patient and listen. The complainants would then be able to go out and tell the press that they got a positive response from the Rashtrapathi. As for me, I shall pass on the complaint to “my” government which is the cause of the complaint to start with and my job is done!

I shall be invited to inaugurate, celebrate and visit, suitably escorted, roads and venues sanitised and the public halted in their tracks! I shall fulfil my quota of one or two State visits to foreign countries, host a few foreign dignitaries at home, and witness one Naval Fleet Review. I may even visit a few Indian states. Exciting, except for the work!

I have not been invited to be President of the USA and if I am I shall have to think twice. The Republicans and Democrats have to sink their differences and amend the constitution to condone my foreign origin all just to get me as President. Even if all that happens I would have difficulty occupying the lofty moral pedestal that the US President, rightly or wrongly, is expected to do. I have a problem with heights. It is called vertigo by simple folk but Shashi Tharoor may choose to call it acrophobia!

If Russia beckons I would certainly look closely as the political scene in that country is less difficult to manage. The President is able to do things his way and there are established traditional practices of dealing with opposition. It is amazing that the Russian opposition is easily convinced by the President and it is not heard from again. That explains the rapid development that happens in Russia. I have not been invited yet by Russia which is busy right now dealing with Putin and Zelensky !.

I am still in India where I have not yet been offered the topmost job. I shall keep watching Mayawati.

(Published 06 April 2022, 00:48 IST)