‘Dear Master, I’ve been listening to your lectures for years,’ said a student during the question and answer time following a lecture, “but I just don’t understand; life seems more and more complicated and there are no straight answers. Could you please put everything in a nutshell and explain Buddhism in one phrase? One universal truth that I can take away with me? ”Everyone laughed. The Zen master simply smiled. “Sure,” he said “I can simplify Buddhism in two words- everything changes”.
The season has finally begun to turn and leaves are showing us yet again how beautiful change can be.
The seasons are a reminder that flux is a common denominator for every person on earth and there is solace in thinking about how connected we all are in that humanity is part of an endless cycle of hope and despair. Just when we think we’re all alone, we are not and it’s comforting to know that we are tethered not only in the recurring patterns of change, but also in understanding and mitigating the afflictions of others.
Hence empathy, positive thought and action provide light to others in times when darkness and sadness eclipses all that is bright.
Recently, I was struggling with a dilemma, which at first seemed insurmountable. The situation was rather unique and I wasn’t sure how to make the transition without losing it in the curve.
Time passes, seasons come and go and we find that no situation is as singular as we think it is. There are always people who not only understand but also help in resolving the quandary. I spoke to my school leader about my circumstances and he not only lent me an empathetic ear but also suggested and initiated a chain of events that helped me navigate the curve. And like water, I was able to find a way to flow again despite the slightly undulated terrain.
The universe is still friendly and it will turn the wheel, just when you need it the most, bending tribulation to joy. Sometimes it might present itself as a person who pulls you out of the quagmire. Gratitude then, for the turning of the seasons and gratitude towards those who help us attune our hearts to their timeless message of change, hope and resilience.