AC dilemma and revenge of rainsThough I sighed with relief that the rain started at last, my husband was totally upset that within a few hours of installing the air conditioner, it started raining.
Harini Raghavan
Last Updated IST
<div class="paragraphs"><p>Customers look at air conditioners at an electronics store in Kolkata.</p></div>

Customers look at air conditioners at an electronics store in Kolkata.

Credit: PTI Photo

My husband never makes a hasty decision, especially when it concerns investing in an expensive thing. He will think thrice or even many more times about a purchase. Sometimes he even disposes of the thought of buying something after deep consideration or postpones the purchase indefinitely. 


In the past three or four years, during the peak of summer, the discussion about buying an air conditioner would surface but would soon die out with the hope that in a week or two we could get rain and Bengaluru summer would end. And we would be proved right. This year, it was different. The daily increase in temperature forced him to take some strong decisions, especially after the much-expected rains didn’t arrive at all. After much contemplation and thorough research, he ordered an air conditioner online through Amazon. Amazon delivered it promptly, without any delay, perhaps afraid that my husband, Mr Raghavan, might change his mind and cancel the order! (Just joking). It was also installed immediately, just in time for an afternoon siesta. We enjoyed the cool nap. To make full use of the new AC, we set the temperature much lower than needed! Praise be to the Lord! Imagine looking for a blanket when it is scorching outside with temperatures over 36 degrees Celsius. We did exactly that. 

After the new AC experience and a snug siesta, we were in high spirits for the evening walk. We had barely walked a kilometre, and there! We could hear the thunder, and in no time it started drizzling. Though I sighed with relief that the rain started at last, my husband was totally upset that within a few hours of installing the air conditioner, it started raining. I kept on consoling him that it would stop with a light drizzle, but he couldn’t get over his annoyance.

As we made our journey back towards home, the rain became heavier, adding to his feeling of being cheated. As he walked, he muttered, “The Rain God must have felt ashamed that I too bought an AC before he could grant some much-awaited showers!” After showers and the clime had cooled down, we had to wait to see if the nighttime temperature warranted switching on the new AC or not. The question was whether “to be or not to be” happy with the new AC being installed!

(Published 29 June 2024, 05:13 IST)