Breathe, because life is time
Sathappan N
Last Updated IST

We have all felt the tremendous frustration of having to wait in a queue. Over and above waiting in line, commuting to work also consume a significant amount of time.

Time equals life, and wasting your time is wasting your life. If you spend one hour on someone or on standing in a queue for something, you are giving away a piece of your life to that someone or something. Therefore you have to be careful to whom or where you give away your life. Let us evaluate how we can utilise the inevitable waiting time wisely, without the obligation to share your life with strangers, especially when you don't feel up to it.

Simple stretching exercises are useful but confined to short movements as we may be amid the crowd and in public places. In such situations, breathing exercises are handy. Breathing is central to life that it is no wonder humankind long ago noted its value not only to survival but to the functioning of the body and mind and began controlling it to improve well-being. There are a lot of breathing techniques and exercises to get relief from multiple health issues.


The simplest and easy to practise technique while we wait with the crowd of people around is “mindful conscious breathing” — simply observe your respiratory movements: be aware of each inhalation and exhalation. Focus on the sensations you feel as air passes through your nose and throat or on the movements of your chest and belly.

When you feel this, your thoughts may drift (which is natural), redirect your attention to your breath. With each breath, think soothing thoughts. With each exhalation, imagine that you are expelling your fears and worries.

Thoughts are the most powerful thing, which defines every aspect of individual life. Unfortunately, most people allow the thoughts to be random and hence get confined to a life of mediocrity. Let’s be wise and think about what and how we are going to improve our career, business, studies, relationship and life in those golden moments of waiting. It will be of help if we jot down our priorities and plans in a mini pad.

No more frustration, irritation or deterioration of your health. Consciously convert every second of waiting time as joyful and useful time!

(Published 01 November 2021, 23:10 IST)