The course of life can be likened to a tapestry in the making. In this case of course, the design is conceived by the Divine, the Creator of life. Like a tapestry it contains a variety of hues, though a pattern we may have in mind doesn’t always conform to that of the Divine, thus necessitating a thinking of change, an adaptation perhaps to His Will.
The colours and weaves of a tapestry blend slowly but surely to unfold a masterpiece. It takes a plan to conceive and achieve, with a holistic end result in mind.
Similarly, conceiving and executing a divine design to humankind and other creations, The Almighty slowly reveals to us a course of life He has destined for each one. It may be a life of plenty or a life of poverty in various aspects, a lifetime of good health or sudden illness, prolonged suffering of one kind or another, times of joy and times of sadness too. This path of our lives is slowly shown to us as the years pass on, and how we deal with the experiences is our choice, yet subject to His Will. Acceptance and positivity can overrule negativity if we will it so. These attitudes will enable us face all with equanimity, knowing they’re passing phases through our passage on earth, until we pass on to the next world. We have enough and more of spiritual and material guidelines handed down through the centuries of mankind’s existence, to illustrate how to deal with or cope, how much to enjoy and accumulate, how much to discard as unnecessary, especially of unwanted worries for which solutions may not be apparent, but through which, if we turn to the Divine, we feel His strengthening presence within us, to tide over such times of trouble. Likewise when the hues and weaves of His design are colourful and enjoyable, it’s good to remember that it comes through His goodwill. Prayer and Thanksgiving go so much hand in hand if we scan through the life of an ordinary person. These give us the courage and strength to face a day at a time, knowing one day that like a finished tapestry we too will be able to witness how and to what purpose our own lives were destined by the Design of the divine.