God in the desert
Adolf Washington
Last Updated IST

A baby camel asked his mother “Mom, why have we have these huge three-toed feet?” The mother replied, “To enable us trek across the soft sand of the desert without sinking.” He then asked “And why have we got these long, heavy eyelashes?” “To keep the sand out of our eyes on the trips through the desert,” she replied. “And mom, why have we got these big humps on our backs?”

The mother, now a little impatient, replied “They help us store fat for our long treks across the desert, so we can go without water for long periods.” “Alright, I get it!” said the baby camel, “Then Mum, why the heck are we still here in this zoo with people clicking photos of us? “

We never truly discover ourselves if we do not take time off into the desert. We can create the desert experience within the context of our lives when we cut off from the humdrum and hectic schedules of daily life. It is in silence and in being alone that we hear more clearly the voice of God.


In Biblical history, it was in the desert that the Lord made a covenant with his people. It was there they discovered the power of God, received his promises, direc­tion and it was there that their faith was tested and strengthened. The great prophetic men, Elijah and John the Baptist were people who received directions in the desert.

In the course of history when people’s love and faithfulness to God grew cold, the prophets urged them to return to the desert to rediscover their identity, their vocation and their mission as a way of re-awakening their faith and strengthening their covenant relationship with God.

It is in the desert that God repeatedly tells us how much he loves us and it is here that he gives us responsibility.

The Spirit lead Jesus into the desert to strengthen him, not to weaken him. Every trial and temptation from satan (Mark 1:12) strengthened him. It is in the desert that we discover what real hungers are; hunger for God or hunger for the things of the world. So, break away and take time off to be alone with God, to find purpose in life and draw strength to fulfil that purpose.

(Published 30 June 2019, 23:56 IST)