How did Bobby get pregnant?
H N Ananda
Last Updated IST

“Our canine squad dog Bobby is pregnant. We need to arrange for a special diet. Please advice,” wrote the constable to his boss, the sub-inspector (SI), who promptly contacted his boss, the superintedent of police (SP).

The senior swung into action and demanded to know how it happened. The SI held the male dog Yuvraj responsible for the act. The SP wanted clarification and wanted to know who gave permission. “As far as our knowledge goes dogs do not seek permission in such matters,” promptly replied the SI.

A file started building up. It was named ‘Bobby/special diet, seeking grant’. The SP was, however, not impressed. “This is in clear violation of the police manual. You should have kept a watch,” crackled the SP.


Nothing happened. The file was hibernating. Days passed.

After some time, suddenly the file ‘Bobby/special diet, seeking grant’ came to life when the cop wrote to the SI: “I am glad to inform you that Bobby has delivered four puppies. All are doing fine. This is for your kind information.”

The SI did his part. He wrote to the SP: “Please refer to my earlier correspondence. Bobby has delivered four puppies.”

The SP, a stickler for rules, shot back a reply: “Please note that the police manual provides grant only for maintaining dogs, not puppies. Spending money on the litter will attract audit objection. This is for your information.”

But the SI was not the one to give up. “Thanks for explaining the rules. What do I do with the puppies now? Please advice,” he asked the SP.

The SP promptly contacted his boss. He wrote to the (Deputy Inspector General ) DIG: “We have a problem on hand. One of our police dogs has given birth to four puppies. Please advice on what to do with them.”

The DIG lost no time in replying: “This is illegal. How can this happen? Please investigate.” The SP wriggled out of the situation. He wrote to the DIG: “I am enclosing all the correspondence here. This will explain the trail of events regarding Bobby. I am waiting for your guidance.”

And the SP waited for guidance. ‘Bobby/special diet, seeking grant’ was hibernating again.

In the meanwhile…

“Bobby is pregnant again. Please help,” wrote the constable to his boss SI who in turn…

(Published 13 September 2019, 22:00 IST)