Scientists have continually looked at ageing as if it were a disease and have tried to cure it. From enhancing certain proteins which protect cells from ageing to extending telomeres – fragments of DNA which cap both ends of each chromosome and protect against the wear and tear of natural ageing, scientists have tried to halt the ageing process. But now, experts say they have conclusive proof there is no way to stop ageing and humans are born to die.
The research suggests by solving one problem with ageing, other problems will become worse. For example, preventing ageing would require giving healthy cells a boost, but this could mean cancer cells would grow more violently.
Covid-19 has opened the Pandora box of the human mind and revealed peculiar thought processes of few! People’s behaviour has never stooped to such a new low that they are willing to forego wellbeing of others without any guilt.
One such incident happened recently in my colony and took me by surprise. Generally, my fellow residents have displayed responsible behaviour towards others on every occasion! After being locked up inside our campus for more than 70 days, we conducted a survey to know the preferences of residents towards relaxing lockdown and allowing external service providers in. One question that was asked was whether they would agree on letting lab technicians collect blood for medical tests. With people with chronic diseases and people who had undergone recent surgery, periodical tests were important and home service was the only option. Eighty-eight out of 115 respondents agreed with the proposition while 16 denied, and 11 were not sure for the same question. What must one infer from those 25% of people who replied in the negative in even such a critical condition? It appeared that these souls thought that allowing lab technicians may cause the spread of Covid and endanger their life.
Nothing wrong in taking care of the self, provided such care is confined to self-regulation and does not cause practical difficulties and mental agony for others. Social distancing, wearing a mask, washing and taking care to boost immunity levels are measures that one can take without causing harm to someone else. Preventing service providers will deprive them of their livelihood, besides causing mental agony to residents who do not have the ability to step out. It's time to introspect and be more empathetic and helpful to others.