The emotion of angerOasis
Nazeer Ahmed Kazi
Last Updated IST

Anger is one of the major things that could cause a relationship to go sour. Anger stokes a quarrel, which if pursued, leads to personal dislike and finally to full-fledged hatred. Hatred eventually leads to evil, thus the root cause for this is anger. Anger in itself is not evil, it becomes evil when it is allowed to spin out of control and affects people’s lives. Rage is an undesirable reaction to a temporary provocation.

When we are angry, we should remain quiet and try to calm ourselves before dealing with the issue. It would not be wise to confront any adverse situation in anger. Bhagwad Gita asks people to conquer lust and anger. It says that there are some impediments to sound health among them is anger.

Quran says those who avoid the greater sins and indecencies when they are angry are venually forgiven. Once a person came to Prophet Muhammad and asked : “ O prophet, give me a master advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my life.”


The prophet replied, “Don’t be angry, even when provoked. Respond positively in negative situations.” He added, “When you are angry, keep silent. At the time of anger keeping silent is like changing gears of the mind.”

Sri Ravi Shankar said why cannot we control our anger? Because we love perfection, we make a little room for imperfection in our lives.

Bible says: For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of Good. Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve. There was some disagreement between the two and Cain killed his brother in a fit of anger. This was the first murder in human history. It is a reminder for humankind that everyone must control their anger, if they fail to do so, they will go astray and commit blunders. As mentioned in the scriptures, this will is an eye-opener in human history. It gives a great lesson to all human beings.

We must be much more cautious regarding the weakness of anger. The principle of success with regard to anger is to suppress it. Those who develop their minds sufficiently to save themselves from the evil of anger will achieve eternal success in life.

(Published 14 April 2022, 00:36 IST)