Your character, your identityRight from the time we get up till we go to sleep, consciously or subconsciously, we are making decisions
Priya Anand
Last Updated IST

Occasionally, we hear some unique stories about good Samaritans whose timely help and presence of mind have helped save lives. A while back, the rescue of a cricket player by a bus driver caught nationwide attention. Though many discern the horror, only some come forward to help.

Here’s an interesting comparison between Bhishma and Jatayu. One was a great noble known for his righteousness and respect; the other was a common bird. Both had their capabilities as well as limitations. While Bhishma was well known for his strength, valor, and power, Jatayu was old, meek, and powerless.

Bhishma, a stalwart known for his words, and the bird, a speechless soul. When both were tasked with saving the queen, Jatayu, the old invalid feathered creature, fought until his last breath, while Bhishma chose to remain silent while Draupadi prayed and pleaded for help.


Bhishma, the powerful warrior, could have effortlessly stopped Duryodhana from harming Draupadi, yet he never uttered a word. Jatayu, sensing something wrong, put up a brave fight against Ravana despite knowing the asura king’s power and his inevitable death.

Praised by Lord Rama, Jatayu was fortunate enough to breathe his last on Lord Rama’s lap. His last rights too are said to have been performed by the lord for having sacrificed his life. Eventually, Bhishma went down in the annals of history without much glory.

Right from the time we get up till we go to sleep, consciously or subconsciously, we are making decisions. This constant decision-making between the right and the wrong for years starts defining us. If we make wise decisions, our character will follow suit.

Character is who you are at your very core. It’s all the values and beliefs you hold dear to your heart… and it’s the person you are even when you’re alone. Furthermore, a person with a positive character does the right thing because they believe it is the right thing to do. They take the right action because it is important to them to live life according to their personal values.

In the words of John Luther, "good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, gifts. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We must build it piece by piece through thought, choice, courage, and determination."

(Published 01 February 2023, 23:47 IST)