Against all odds When such troubles occur, it would be wise to study lives of all-time greats
Anuradha Rajan
Last Updated IST
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‘Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny’’, quoted C. S. Lewis, and, his words ring true, for countless events. That reminds me of a lesson we studied in school, about a doctor namely Dr Christian Barnaard, who treated cancer patients. He often encountered little children struck by cancer, and their suffering caused him to cry out,’’God why do they suffer thus…’’His father comforted him saying, “Suffering ennobles a man’’ .When I read that story as a young girl I saw little in terms of nobility in any form of suffering but now years later I realise that if we see the big picture God has a deep inner meaning to all this and more.

One is reminded here of the epic, the Mahabharata, and famed queen Kunti, and, her five sons, the brave and valiant Pandavas. Countless times they suffered at the hands of the Kauravas ,right from the time they were born. But, they patiently persevered having on their side the Lord Himself, Lord Krishna who assured them that “this too shall pass.”

Continuing on a parallel note, when such troubles occur, it would be wise to study lives of all-time greats to be inspired by them. Think of King Bruce and his constant battles to wrest power from Britain. The history of Scotland and its attempt to free itself from British invasion is all too well known. It seems King Bruce was, once, being chased by the British.


To gain respite, King Bruce went into a cave. His glance fell upon a spider. Fortunately for the king, the spider’s web covered the entire opening of the cave leading the pursuing soldiers to skip him by. While taking advantage of that moment’s respite the king observed how the creature fell and rebound every time. King Bruce said to himself that if this tiny creature could continue no matter what happened so would he. Thus was born the legend of the persevering King Bruce.

We may well sign off by remembering that famed quote ‘’An optimist is one who finds an opportunity in every difficulty; a pessimist is one who finds a difficulty in every opportunity’’. Think of any test of our fortitude as an opportunity to discover our strengths. And let us remember how that famed story of two men imprisoned in a jail goes…’’one saw the mud; the other saw the stars…’’ Let us be like that futurist, that bright young spark who saw the stars…

(Published 16 February 2024, 02:33 IST)