
Protests erupt in China against stringent Covid-19 rules

Protests against the Chinese government's strict Covid measures have intensified with people thronging the streets against President Xi Jinping's harsh zero-Covid policy. Stringent Covid rules have caused anger across the country with people protesting and chanting "Xi Jinping, step down! CCP, step down!" 
Last Updated : 28 November 2022, 07:45 IST

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Hundreds of people took to the streets in China's major cities on Sunday (November 27) to protest against the country's zero-Covid policy, in a rare outpouring of public anger against the state. Credit: Reuters Photo
Hundreds of people took to the streets in China's major cities on Sunday (November 27) to protest against the country's zero-Covid policy, in a rare outpouring of public anger against the state. Credit: Reuters Photo
At least 400 people gathered on the banks of a river in the capital Beijing for several hours, with some shouting:
At least 400 people gathered on the banks of a river in the capital Beijing for several hours, with some shouting:
China's hardline virus strategy is stoking public frustration, with many growing weary of snap lockdowns, lengthy quarantines and mass testing campaigns. Credit: AP Photo
China's hardline virus strategy is stoking public frustration, with many growing weary of snap lockdowns, lengthy quarantines and mass testing campaigns. Credit: AP Photo
Last week, a deadly fire in Urumqi became a fresh catalyst for public anger, with many blaming Covid lockdowns for hampering rescue efforts. However, authorities denied the claims. Credit: AFP Photo
Last week, a deadly fire in Urumqi became a fresh catalyst for public anger, with many blaming Covid lockdowns for hampering rescue efforts. However, authorities denied the claims. Credit: AFP Photo
The scene described the crowd singing the national anthem and listening to speeches, while on the other side of the canal bank, a line of police cars waited. Credit: AFP Photo
The scene described the crowd singing the national anthem and listening to speeches, while on the other side of the canal bank, a line of police cars waited. Credit: AFP Photo
Cars honked in support as people remained in the area until early, chanting and waving blank sheets of paper symbolising censorship. Credit: Reuters Photo
Cars honked in support as people remained in the area until early, chanting and waving blank sheets of paper symbolising censorship. Credit: Reuters Photo
Authorities blocked the road to stop cars passing, and around 100 plainclothes and police officers arrived on the scene. Credit: AFP Photo
Authorities blocked the road to stop cars passing, and around 100 plainclothes and police officers arrived on the scene. Credit: AFP Photo
Eventually, protesters agreed to leave after making officers promise their demands had been heard. Credit: Reuters Photo
Eventually, protesters agreed to leave after making officers promise their demands had been heard. Credit: Reuters Photo
In Shanghai, cops clashed with groups of protesters as officers tried to move people away from the site of an earlier demonstration on Wulumuqi street. Credit: Reuters Photo
In Shanghai, cops clashed with groups of protesters as officers tried to move people away from the site of an earlier demonstration on Wulumuqi street. Credit: Reuters Photo
Crowds that had gathered overnight -- some of whom chanted
Crowds that had gathered overnight -- some of whom chanted
Published 28 November 2022, 03:55 IST

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