Today's Horoscope – September 19, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 18 September 2024, 18:36 IST
Be prepared to counteract the damage that adversaries are about to create. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look bad. Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Colour: Burgundy Number: 2
Your energy levels improve and you don’t feel as if you are swimming against the tide. Advice from a mature person will make you feel more at ease about the recent dramatic events that have transpired in your life. Colour: Jade Number: 8
A casual new relationship could evolve into something more. Don't push the pace, but let things unfold gradually as you get to know each other better. Colour: Lilac Number: 6
You may have a heavy workload today, but you'll be pleased with your success. Sign contracts and deals. You probably need to make adjustments to the way you connect with others and then it will feel better. Colour: Ivory Number: 3
Your intellectual energy is heightened, so it’s a great time for brainstorming or discussing your plans. Home, domestic arrangements and family relationships bog you down, unless you are ready to make changes. Colour: Maroon Number:9
Stress-related problems through overwork are possible. New career responsibilities will be allotted. Creative or spiritual activities or development may feature. Matters from the past may come to light to be resolved or understood. Colour: Mango Number: 4
Talks with business people may lead to important opportunities. Today, you're efficient, industrious, and express yourself in a winning manner. Do relax a little.  Colour: Amber Number: 7
A feeling of achievement prevails. Avoid confrontation with family or female associates. Some people are unpredictable and evasive--and trouble you. Your loyalty is keeping you from seeing facts.     Colour: Honey Number: 1
A difficult friend or colleague will thaw soon. A romantic partner can be demanding and aggressive. A conflict may arise inside you - emotions or hard reality. Being tactful you will learn to cope with the situation today.  Colour: Pink Number: 3
Don't be difficult or uncompromising. Someone may try to start trouble. Deal with such matters diplomatically. Joint incomes, taxes, insurance and property settlements may be affected. Colour: Purple Number: 5
Try not to over exert today. You must not lead on another one with unless you mean it. Don't be too quick to judge partners or those you work with. Colour: Saffron Number: 6
Scandal-mongering goes on in a big way, but don’t contribute to it. Repercussions can be big, and you will end up as the scapegoat. Problems with large corporations or institutions are apparent. Colour: White Number: 4
Amara Ramdev