14/04/2024 - 20/04/2024
Weekly Horoscope – April 21 to April 27, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 20 April 2024, 18:31 IST
True love is built on free will and free choice, not control and manipulation. It's high time you realise that your life is controlled by someone, and you should get out of the shackles of life. Do not allow anyone to make decisions on your behalf or dictate to you about your ways. Take your own decisions and seek independence. Advice: Avoid being controlled.
Discover a purpose that gives you passion. Develop a plan that makes you persistent. Design a preparation that motivates you to optimize your potential. Do it because you love it! This is the time to segregate wheat from the chaff and do things which you love. Whether it’s about acknowledging that special friendship or working on yourself, do not hesitate to do what’s good for you. Advice: Do what you love.
No matter what people tell you; words and ideas can change the world. The last few days have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride and it is human to feel a little hassled. Do not let these delays and hurdles affect your mood and motivation adversely. Keep marching towards your goals and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of. Advice: Focus on your goals.
When people try to bury you, remind yourself you are a seed. Be very careful about your public dealings and do not let any negative influence affect your life and decisions. Whether it is your professional or personal life, you should try and build relations, and not do anything that can jeopardise them. Advice: Avoid animosity.
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact and the facts that are uncovered this week will only baffle your already confused mindset. This is a week to be extremely circumspect of how things are shaping up around you. Be very cautious about your decisions and communication (especially written). Do not sign anywhere before reading through meticulously. Advice: Be cautious.
A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. In any scenario, it’s very important to listen to what others are saying. It's not always necessary to follow others' advice, but it’s very necessary to understand their perspective before taking a decision. Your rigid ways will not help you make correct choices this week and the best you can do this week is to be a patient listener. Advice: Avoid rigidity.
Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the body. The materialistic race that you are now comfortably part of has taken away your zeal to learn something new and this is the right time to get out of the shackles created by this routine and learn something new or upgrade your skills. Advice: Enhance your knowledge.
Never confuse your right to say what you believe with a right to never be disagreed with and ridiculed for saying what you believe. This week will be marked with enhanced criticism and animosity at the workplace, which you will take personally. This is the time to keep your mind calm and concentrate on your goals, rather than thinking too much about what others have to say about you and your life. Advice: Avoid overthinking.
Mondays are fine. It’s your life that is troubling you. Rather than blaming people, situations or even yourself, just remember that everyone in this world is fighting a battle and you are fighting yours. In this journey, what’s more important and pertinent is that you should be happy and blissful, regardless of the circumstances. So stop worrying about the current situation and do things that make you happy, if not rich. Advice: Stop worrying.
The best advice anyone ever received is, ‘No one else knows what they’re doing either’. So, no matter how bad or confused you feel about your path and state of being, till you are going in the right direction, things will fall into place sooner or later. Just ensure that this confused mindset does not pass on to your family and friends who have been a solid support for you all these years. Advice: Take care of your family.
Fake it until you make it! Act as if you had all the confidence, you require until it becomes your reality. If you keep doubting your abilities and stay low on confidence, no one is going to believe in your goals. This is a great period to infuse a new life into your energy levels and your confidence and start afresh. Bury the recent failures and look towards the future which is bound to bring glory to you. Advice: Start afresh.
Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again, so it is high time you stop thinking too much about your materialistic pursuits and think more about your own happiness, your life and the people you love. Life has been moving too fast for you the past few years and sooner or later you are bound to quantify the worth of this race you are part of. Advice: Seek your own happiness.
Guruji Shrii Arnav