Spot the light flowThere are many factors that determine the quantity and length of period flow, writes Dr Beena Jeysingh. If you have been having a light period, read on
Dr Beena Jeysingh
Last Updated IST

You may have often heard of women complaining about heavy periods. Ever heard any woman being annoyed or frustrated with a light period? Well, maybe not but there are many women who experience light periods and for them, it can be a cause for concern.

What are light periods?

To understand light periods, you need to first know what is normal for you. Periods are a phase when your uterine lining is shed through your cervix and vagina. This occurs every month as a part of your reproductive phase of life. The monthly cycle ranges from anywhere between 21 to 35 days in women. You may bleed
for 2-7 days during each cycle. The quantity and length of the period flow vary between individuals. Your periods can differ during each cycle or even over the years due to hormonal changes. A light period means you have a light flow during your monthly cycle (that is lighter flow compared to your previous menstrual flows)
You have a light period if:


You bleed for less than 2 days.

Your flow per day has been reduced.

Your bleeding is very light.

You have only spotting or just staining instead of bleeding during your monthly period dates.

You experience the above-mentioned pattern of menstrual bleeding in most of your present cycles.

Causes of light periods

You may experience light periods for a variety of reasons. Some of these include:

Age: This plays a vital role in deciding the length of your cycles. Your period may vary in length and flow when you are in your teenage years and when you are nearing menopause. This is because of the hormonal imbalance that occurs during these years. When you are a teen, you have just started getting your periods and your body is getting used to the sudden surge of hormones. When you are nearing menopause, your hormonal levels are falling thereby leading to light periods.

Pregnancy: The first clear sign of pregnancy is missing your periods. Some women experience mild spotting after conception. This could be due to the implantation of a fertilised egg. This spotting is usually lighter than your period and you may mistake it for your period if you do not know that you could be pregnant. Sometimes, an unusually light period may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy. This occurs when the fertilised egg gets implanted outside the uterus. This is unhealthy and can be dangerously fatal and should be detected early. Hence, get a pregnancy test done when you experience light periods.

Weight fluctuations: Your weight plays an important role in maintaining your hormonal balance. Fluctuations in your weight can mess up your period and make it shorter or lighter. Being obese or underweight can impact normal hormonal levels in the body leading to light periods.

Stress mess: Stress messes up your body in more ways than one. Major life strains like the death of a loved one, grief, depression, or work stress can affect your period cycle. Physical stress like over-exercising can also create havoc in your period.

Overactive thyroid: If you have hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid, your body releases too many thyroid hormones. This can cause serious issues like heart disorders, high blood pressure, muscular disorders, etc. Light periods are also a symptom of hyperthyroidism.

Hormonal pills: If you are on a birth control pill, then you may have light periods. This is because oral contraceptive pills have a set amount of hormones in them. Your body is being stopped to prepare for pregnancy by the pills. You end up having a lesser uterine lining to shed and cause bleeding. Hence, you may have light periods due to hormonal pills. Consult your doctor in case of any doubts.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterised by enlarged ovaries that develop numerous fluid-filled sacs and produce high levels of androgen, which is normally present in very small quantities in females. Women suffering from PCOS may experience irregular lighter periods, weight gain, acne-prone skin, and excess body hair.

Menopause: Menopause is a physiological phase of life where a woman stops getting her periods as she ages. With age and menopause, your cycle can change and lead to lighter periods. If you are someone who had a heavy flow in your 20s and 30s but barely have any flow in your late 40s, it indicates that menopause is near. Women around their menopause can have lighter periods.

When to consult a doctor?

If you are unaware of the cause of your light periods, you need to consult your doctor.

Visit your doctor if:

You miss your periods and are not pregnant.

You have irregular periods.

If you have a very light flow or only spotting during your periods.

You have bleeding in between your periods.

(The author is an obstetrician &
laparoscopic gynaecologist.)

(Published 16 January 2022, 00:15 IST)